External Data Protection Officer

Full power for your Compliance

Our certified Data Protection Officers provide a full review and analysis of your legally set requirements, customize training programs for your employees and will support you organising any data protection matters.
Zertifizierte Datenschutzbeauftragte
Datenschutz. Punktgenau.

Core elements of our consulting service as external Data Protection Officers:

  • Implementation of a data protection management system
  • Determining internal corporate guidelines relating to data protection processings
  • Maintain a record of processing activities
  • Negotiating of data protection contracts
  • Assistance in case of data privacy breaches
  • Support for inquiries from data subjects
  • Systematic and regular monitoring of appropriate technical and organisational measures

Data Protection Contracts and International Data Protection

In order to ensure the correct integration and to achieve compliant data processing, we provide not only contract templates, we also coordinate data protection agreements with your commercial partners directly for you and negotiate international agreements between joint data controllers in corporate groups and between business partners.

Annual Data Compliance Audits

We document the level of implementing data protection and data security in your organisation. You receive an overview of the approach and extent to which your organisation complies with the legal requirements and still missing gaps.
Our objective is to intervene as less as possible in your existing systems. „Data Protection. On Point.“ means: We craft a custom package that meets all the needs of your organisation relating to data protection matters, you are focusing on your core business.
Externer Datenschutzbeauftragter
Both, regulatory authorities and customers, as well as large organisations attach importance to transparent data protection compliance. Our regular audits help to improve and update your organisations‘ level of data protection and prove its conformity to third parties.


Datenschutzberatung Moers GmbH
Managing director: Stephan Moers, Anne Borell
Neue Straße 22
GER-34369 Hofgeismar

t: 05671 74 92 5-0
e: info [at] dsb-moers.de

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© 2024 Datenschutzberatung Moers GmbH