Data protection information on booking appointments with Microsoft Bookings

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We, the Datenschutzberatung Moers GmbH, Neue Straße 22, 34369 Hofgeismar, 05671 749 25 0,, would like to explain to you the extent to which we process your data when you book appointments with Microsoft Bookings. If you have any questions about data protection, please contact us at

Purpose and legal basis of data processing

Microsoft Bookings enables us to use a planning tool to organise, manage and track appointments for meetings. The user of the Microsoft Booking account presents the contents of their calendar depending on the settings made. They can set restrictions for the release of bookable time slots. This allows potential contact persons to see free time slots in which an appointment can be booked by providing contact details. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail and a calendar invitation.
The purpose of the data processing is the initiation and fulfilment of contractual obligations on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR. In principle, only an e-mail address is required for booking. You decide whether to disclose further content.

Categories of recipients

We use service providers who are separately bound to confidentiality and data protection in the context of providing services for specific areas. Microsoft Bookings is a service of the Microsoft Corporation, with which we have concluded a data processing agreement. Information on the processing of your data by Microsoft can be found at
Microsoft sets cookies when you use the appointment scheduling service. If these are not necessary for functionality, consent is requested. A description from Microsoft of why the “Clientid” and “OIDC” cookies are required can be found here:
Data is only passed on to authorities if there are overriding legal provisions. Data will only be transferred if the requirements of Art. 44 et seq. GDPR are fulfilled.

Duration of storage and deletion of data

Your data will be stored for the duration of the appointment planning and execution; after the appointment has taken place, the data will remain in the digital calendars of the contact persons and will be deleted in accordance with the regular deletion periods for e-mail archiving.

Your right to information, rectification, erasure, objection and data portability

You can exercise your right to information, rectification, and erasure of data at any time. To do so, please contact us using the contact details provided above. If you request data erasure but we are still legally obliged to retain it, access to your data will be restricted (blocked). The same applies in the event of an objection. You can exercise your right to data portability insofar as the technical possibilities are available to the recipient and to us.

Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority at any time.

Obligation to provide information

Without correct contact details from you, it is not possible to book and organise appointments.
Further data protection information can be found at